Happy Sunday! It’s like 4am here and… I should be sleeping but I can’t fall asleep. Fun times. So instead I decided to bang out a blog post. We’re going to be looking at the STELLA CHROMA The Winter Knits Collection!

Gorgeous right?
STELLA CHROMA The Winter Knits Collection is a 4 piece collection with shimmer and flakes! It’s set to release on November 11th at noon EST. The Winter Knits collection is inspired by snowy winter weather and the chunky knits that we wear to keep us warm and snuggly!
Guess what? I’m on YouTube now too. Only took 11 years. I’m still learning but I do have a swatch video of this collection up as well for you to check out.
Let’s jump right in and take a look at this collection!

Cable Knit is a delicate, candy pink crelly base with iridescent flakies that shift every color of the rainbow and a warm golden shimmer. I used 2 coats and a glossy top coat

STELLA CHROMA | Novelty Yarn

Novelty Yarn is a clear base packed with silver holographic flakes with red, blue, and purple metallic flakes mixed in. I used 2 coats and a glossy top coat.


Pom Poms is an icy winter blue crelly base with silver holographic flakes, as well as pink to purple shifting iridescent flakes. I used 2 coats and a glossy top coat.


Toe-Up is a slightly muted olive green creme with a strong blue to green shimmer. I used 2 coats and a glossy top coat.

STELLA CHROMA | The Winter Knits Collection

I love pretty much everything about this release. When I got the collection I couldn’t pick a favorite, but after wearing them a few times – I have to say Pom Poms and Cable Knit are my top 2 (in that order)
Again – to see these live swatched and in motion, check out my YouTube Channel
Price: $13.00 Each | $47.00 Full Collection (between 11/11 – 11/18 only)
Release Date: November 11th at 12:00pm EST
Where to Buy: Stella Chroma Shop
Stella Chroma Social Media: Facebook | Instagram | Facebook Fan Group
What did you think? Will you be picking these up?