It’s time for the first Polished Gamers Box of 2024! This theme is PlayStation vs XBOX for January!

So the basics… Polished Gamers Box used to be a monthly box, then it was a bi-monthly box, but now it’s moved into being a quarterly box.
You can see all 9 items I received video swatched on my YouTube below:
Basically each box is themed with some sort of gaming – might specifically be a game or it can be broader like board games or retro games or it could be a genre of games. The box is open from the 15th of the month until the 20th. Then it closes – totals are sent to makers and it can take about 3-4 weeks before shipping starts up since makers have to get their total sold to HQ to prep for shipping.
For the fine details – for all photos shown – I used Vapid Lacquer Commitment Issues Peel Off Base, and for the glossy photos I did Monarch Lacquer Hi-Def Shine Top coat (sent as PR and I’ve also purchased).
My lighting set up was changed recently. So now, since I use artificial lighting due to my day job, my new set up involves 2 Neatfi XL Lamps from Amazon (affiliate link) as well as this Daylight Company Duo Daylight Lamp (affiliate link).
Let’s take a closer look at each one!
Alchemy Lacquers | Night Warriors

Inspiration: Inspired by my very first PlayStation game, Darkstalkers and one of the leading characters Morrigan.
Description: Night Warriors is a deep plum (cold) to pale almost minty greenish (warm) crelly based thermal with black flakes, red to orange iridescent flakes and green to blue iridescent flakes. I used 3 thin coats and a glossy top coat for these photos.
Price: $12.50 | Cap: 100

Cuticula | Battle of the Boxes

Inspiration: Inspired by both the Xbox and Playstation logos
Description: Battle of the Boxes is a green jelly base loaded with green to blue and blue to purple shifting glass flakes, as well as black flakes. I used 3 thin coats and a glossy top coat for these photos.
Price: $13.00 | Cap: None

Jen & Berries | May the Forza Be With You

Inspiration: Media photo from Forza Horizon 4 – a steel blue car kicking up red and orange fall leaves
Description: May The Forza Be With You is a steel blue-grey crelly base with metallic pale silvery blue shimmer, as well as red to orange to gold to green ultrachrome chameleon flakes. I used 3 thin coats and a glossy top coat for these photos.
Price: $12.75 | Cap: 115

Krisable Designs | Rotten Son of a Shoopuf

Inspiration: Final Fantasy
Description: Son of a Shoopuf is a violet (cold) to pale blue (warm) jelly based thermal packed with pink to orange crystal flakes, pink shimmer and silver reflective glitters. I used 3 thin coats and a glossy top coat for these photos.
Price: $12.50 | Cap: 50

Lemming Lacquer | Lollipop Chainsaw

Inspiration: For my inspiration I chose the mindless fun with sparkles, rainbows, and zombies–Lollipop Chainsaw. I got to play as Juliet, the teenage cheerleader/zombie killer who’s also totally in love with her boyfriend Nick. My mom bought it for me one year for my birthday. I only got to play it up to a certain point because life soon got in the way and I switched to PC gaming but I just remember having so much fun playing this game. I still have my PS3 and the game has to be somewhere in my house. Despite having no time for gaming right now I hold out hope that someday I’ll be able to complete a full playthrough.
Description: Lollipop Chainsaw is a candy pink jelly base with electric blue shimmer and twinkling holographic micro glitters. I used 3 thin coats and a glossy top coat for these photos.
Price: $13.25 | Cap: 100

Luna Lacquer | It Takes Two

Inspiration: It Takes Two video game on all platforms. I do not discriminate when it comes to gaming platforms!
Description: It Takes Two is a blue jelly base loaded with blue aurora shimmer as well as purple to pink to peach to gold shifting magnetic pigment. I used 3 thin coats and a glossy top coat for these photos. I only magnetized the middle and ring nails so you can see it both ways.
Price: $12.00 | Cap: 100

Rain Dance Lacquer | Starborn

Inspiration: Starfield
Description: Starborn is a medium dusty blue crelly base with red to orange aurora shimmer. I used 3 thin coats and a glossy top coat for these photos.
Price: $12.50 | Cap: 40

Rogue Lacquer | Crash

Inspiration: Inspired by the Play Station exclusive game crash bandicoot
Description: Crash is a marine blue jelly base with orange to copper glass flakes. I used 3 thin coats and a glossy top coat for these photos.
Price: $12.50 | Cap: None

Zombie Claw Polish | Rotten World

Inspiration: Lollipop Chainsaw for PS5
Description: Rotten World is a dark violet jelly base loaded with black to pink to blue to green flakes and an assortment of pink glitters. I used 3 thin coats, glitter smoother and glossy top coat for these photos.
Price: $13.50 | Cap: 100

Polished Gamers Box January 2024 | PlayStation vs XBOX

There’s tons more in the shop – so be sure to check them all out!
Preorder Dates: January 15th at 2pm MDT (1pm CST/ 2pm EST) – January 20th at 10pm MDT
Where To Buy: Polished Gamers Box
Polished Gamers Social Media: Facebook Group | Instagram
Be sure to join the Facebook group to see even more swatch photos!