I’ve been using Mont Bleu Glass Nail Files since October of 2012 when the company first reached out to me and I’ve been hooked ever since. I actually still have and use the original one I received way back then and it still works like new. I’ve since purchased another one to keep (I misplace things a lot) and a mini one to keep in my purse. Every Sunday I have a routine – file my nails with my Mont Bleu Glass File, Mani Bomb, Cuticle Oil and Hand Cream.
Mont Bleu reached out to me again recently and asked if they could send me a few more products to feature and I was happy to. I was thrilled when the package arrived and it contained a normal glass nail file, a mini glass file and a toe nail file. I was DOUBLY thrilled when I saw they included a second set to give away to one of my readers!
Want to see what I received and what one reader will win? Let’s look!
The large file at the top is perfect for toe nails, the middle is a mini that is perfect to travel with, and the bottom one is a normal sized glass file. All 3 have a beautiful light pink to sky blue gradient with a clear and pink Swarovski crystal pattern on the top. They arrived in black velvet like pouches to protect the files.
The file itself is etched glass. This may have you wondering why that matters. Simple, etched glass lasts longer. A lot of similar files I’ve seen on the market are coated with a fine grit which will wear off over time. As you file it breaks the grit off or wears it down and over time (which is a short time span if you file as much as I do) and becomes unusable.
Since Mont Bleu‘s files are laser etched, it doesn’t wear down or wear off. As I said, I still use my original file from October of 2012 – that’s long lasting and pretty impressive. The only reason I would need to really replace it is if I drop it (and somehow I haven’t done that yet)
Unlike traditional emery boards, crystal nail files can be cleaned and sanitized. After I use mine, I run them under warm water and let it dry, then pop it back in it’s case. Easy.
The design I received for myself (and to giveaway) is beautiful and I feel some nail art coming on this weekend when I have more time!
How beautiful is that? Not just beautiful but affordable, practical and they WORK.
Want another reason to switch to Mont Bleu? How about the fact that traditional emery boards as well as grit blasted glass files can actually do more damage to nails than you anticipate? A lot of times they have to be used in one direction and can leave a rougher edge on your nail. That can lead to the nail catching and tearing on clothing or other items. usually after filing you need to go over the edge with a buffing block for complete smoothness. Not good! Mont Bleu
Glass Files leave a smooth, fine finish and can be used in a back and forth motion.
In nail groups, whenever someone asks for nail file recommendations – I always recommend Mont Bleu. Hands down. You can’t beat it! Yes, initially it’s slightly higher priced than a normal nail file – but the lasting power is cheaper considering you won’t have to replace it time and time again. Have you met someone who hated their Mont Bleu
? Yeah, me either!
Mont Bleu has several options for your files as well. You can get them plain, with a solid colored handle, with a gradient handle, with a logo or printed design, or with an assortment of Swarovski Crystal designs.
Price: $9.99 – $12.99 Depending On Design Or Set
Where To Buy: Amazon | Mont Bleu E-Shop
The Giveaway
Mont Bleu generously sent over set of 3 Glass Nail Files for one of my readers to win. This giveaway is open to EVERYONE. You must be 18 years or older or have the consent of a parent or guardian to enter. The winner will receive 3 Glass Nail Files in large, medium and mini. Each one will also come with it’s black velvet like holding pouch with the design shown below.
Here is the widget to enter. Enjoy, good luck and have fun!

I have not tried these but I will now!
I actually have a mini glass nail file, but do not know the brand as I got it as a gift. However, definitely immediately saw the superiority of glass files and won’t go back. I’ve heard great things about Mont Bleu, though.
Not tried these, but they look interesting!
I read nothing but raves about this brand of glass file. I have an OPI glass file that I love. I won’t use anything but a glass file on my nails.
These are very pretty! I have never used a glass file before…and I read what you said about the rough edges after filing your nails (uggh, I hate that feeling!)…nice to know there is another option. Thank you so much for the giveaway!!
Katie B.
I’ve tried glass files, but not from Mont Bleu.
So pretty!
I am dying to try glass files, I thoroughly enjoyed your review!
I get so lazy and find myself reaching for an emery board a lot more often than I should. I just lost my glass file (I was carrying it in my purse…yea, DUH. I know), and even though it was glass, it wasn’t a whole lot more impressive than the board. I really would like to try these out!
I have not tried them, but would love to!
Didn’t have chance to try it out, put planning to
I’ve not yet tried this brand of glass files!
Never used Mont Bleu but would love to try them out
These are gorgeous!
Have not tried these,but they are beautiful.
I have not tried these files. I have tried other glass files and I wasn’t impressed. These look much nicer though.
I have have not tried Mont Bleu, but have wanted to. I have heard nothing but great things about them.
I haven’t tried this brand of file yet. But they’re very pretty!
I’ve tried glass files before, not Mont Bleu though, and I didn’t like them at all. Definitely entering the giveaway. Would be willing to try these out to change my mind.
I have a generic glass file I got from amazon and I haven’t looked back at emery boards. Never heard of Mont Bleu before but tat design is so pretty!
Ooh, I’ve been wanting to try Mont Bleu files for ages! They’re so pretty!
Oooooh, these are so gorgeous! I absolutely LOVE Mont Bleu and would be happy to add these to my stash ;).
I love glass files!
No, I’ve never tried Mont Bleu Glass Files.
I have been sooooo curious about glass files but I still haven’t tried them. Thanks for explaining the differences among the different types. I definitely will enter this great giveaway!
I’ve never tried mont bleu files but I have a glass file I got from Sephora years ago that I love and have wanting to pick up anoth r for my purse. After I start using it I noticed my nails didn’t peel or break as much. Thanks for the giveaway!
No, I’ve never even heard of them before – I was wondering if the crystals served some purpose, but I see they are just for decoration, very pretty;-)
i have not yet tried it
I have never tried a glass file before, but have always been curious. These look very intriguing!
I love how the pictures came out. They look so pretty. I hope I win!
I havent I have never heard of glass files until now.
I’ve never tried these before, but they look so, so beautiful! I would keep a set just to look at lol.
No, I haven’t tried Mont Bleu nail files before.
I have not tried these files before
These are so pretty! I have never tried glass files.
I only use glass files for my nails, however I have yet to try the Mont Bleu ones! The design was so pretty on these and I like that they come in different sizes :)
no I have never tried
I’ve never tried these (or any other glass files) before.
Never tried yet but I’d love to!
I have not tried them but would like to.
Those are beautiful!
I use metal nail files so the opportunity to try a glass file would be nice. Thank you!
No, I haven’t tried these before, but I want to.
This is one of my favorite companies ever. I have some beautiful items from them. Besides these amazing files they have other items like mirrors and jewelry that I die for.
I’ve never tried Mont Bleu before but they’re beautiful. I like that you can file in both directions!!
These sound great!! I have some glass files, but I think they’re cheap ones because they don’t work all that well. I’ll have to try this brand out!
I have one of these in a different color selection. They are great.
Thank you for hosting this giveaway. I’d love to try glass nail files. I’ve heard great things about them.
I haven’t. I keep seeing them but never had a chance.
I have not tried this brand of crystal nail files but I have tried others and I love them. I d not use anything else they leave the nail smooth and don’t ha e that annoying sound while filing.
I’ve never had the chance to try Mont Bleu’s nail files yet but I’ve always heard great reviews about them. So here’s crossing my fingers to win!
daughter has them, but never tried myself
I haven’t tried their decorated or larger files, but I have a few of their regular files, and love them. They don’t wear out! They’re perfect for my thin, natural nails.
Never tried any glass files before.
Crystal nail files are the best! I have one and it’s still in great shape after 6 years.
I’ve never tried Mont Bleu but I LOVE glass nail files! I still have a Cult Nails glass file.
No but I would like to! Thank you for the chance.
I do use glass files and once you try them you never want to use anything else. I would like these as a gift for my niece.
not yet
I haven’t tried these files before!
I only use etched glass files now – love them!
I have never tried these glass files below.
I have never tried these but I am so interested
I haven’t tried them yet, but want to.
So pretty! I’ve never tried a glass file, but it sounds so luxurious. And the thought of having something a bit gentler on my nails ia appealing as well.
I have not tried Mont Bleu Glass Files before, but I would love to! They are so cute!
No! But I’d absolutely love to!
I’ve Venn looking for a great glass file, maybe I’ll give these ones a try!
I use these files, but I have not been as lucky as you with not dropping them. Thanks for the giveaway!
Thank you for this giveaway. I’d love to try glass files.
Never tried the Mont Bleu Glass Files before.
Not yet!
I haven’t tried these files yet!
I have one now and I love it. Thank you!
No, I haven’t tried these files but they are so pretty that I would like to.
Thanks for the giveaway, I would love to try this files!
I mean no, I haven’t tried Mont Bleu (yet!) ☺
I havent tried them before.
No. I have not tried these before
I haven’t ever tried them before but I would love to. I have trouble finding nail files that I like.
I have not used a Mont Bleu Glass Nail File. I have very this fingernails and the only files I have found that do not shred my nails are glass. Would love to try yours. Thank you for the chance to win!
I have not tried the Mont Bleu Glass Nail File. My nails are so soft that maybe this file would work well.
I haven’t tried them. Would love to though!
I’ve never tried mont bleu files before, but I’ve heard great things about them!
I’m a HUGE glass nail file fan. That’s all I will use. I’ve yet to try Mont Bleu though!! The design of the file itself is just gorgeous and the fact that you’re still using the same one for 3 years now is amazing!!! Thank you for the giveaway and the thorough review!
I haven’t had the chance to try these files before
I’ve never heard of nor tried them before.
have not tried them
I have used a cheapie glass file, but never a Mont Bleu! I would love to win this set! Thank you for the giveaway!
I have used a cheapie glass file, but never a Mont Bleu! I would love to win this set! Thank you for the giveaway! (my comment isn’t showing, so I’m replying to see if it triggers it!)
Hi Sherri, did you ever get a Mont Bleu nail file and try it out?
My mother won a set, and let me have one…I am in love, and haven’t turned back since!
And I absolutely LOVE the design that is on these! They look beautiful!
Congratulations Megan,
Im happy to hear that theae were shared with you. How is it holding up?
I haven’t tried Mont Bleu files yet, but I love crystal files.
I have not tried these yet!
I just ordered one online, not too long ago!
This is new to me so I’m super excited to win, thank you.
Not tried yet.
I have not but would love to.
I’ve never tried Mont Bleu Glass Files before.
These are so pretty.
I have not tried them… but would love to!
No, I haven’t but I’m dying to try them because I heard trey are excelent.
not tried yet :(
I have never tried these files before. What an awesome giveaway!!
I’ve never tried but always wanted to. Thanks for the chance to win!
yes and I like it! :)
Yes, I’ve tried them and they are AWESOME! :)
Hi Petra,
Are you still using it and happy with it?
I’ve not tried these beautiful files before
No I have not tried these but would love to give them a try. Thanks for the chance to win them.
I have not tried these but I would love to!
I would love these!
Yes, I’ve tried Mont Bleu Glass Files, they are the best! I’d like to have more )))
I have never tried them before but i really want to though! What an awesome giveaway!!
I HAVE tried these amazing beauties! They are the BEST glass files in the WORLD!!! I would be SO happy to win these beautiful files, and would share them with my daughters! :)
This would be awesome to win! :)
I have tried them before and they rock!
No I haven’t.
Would love to try them – have heard the brand name more and more.
I’ve never tried them,but I have heard good things!
Never used Mont Bleu files.
Thanks for the chance!
I have not tried them.
I love the design on the files. They are so pretty.
I see we can comment once a day, but it seems silly to answer the question each time. ;) (No, I haven’t tried them yet!) So, I will ask a question! Is one side of the file finer/smoother than the other, or are they both the same? Thank you!
Didn’t have chance to try it, thanks for the giveaway!
I’ve not used these beautiful files before!
Hi Anne,
I see you comment quite a bit here. Have you had a chance to try Mont Bleu crystal nail file yet? You seem actively interested in these. Im interested to hear what you think of it if you have by this point. Quality price longevity etc…??? Thank you in advance
i havent but my wife loves them sadly her small purse one broke :(
I would love to try these. Thank you!
Not yet, no I haven’t tried these nail files
No, I haven’t but I’d love to!)
Hi Irina G.,
I see you comment quite a bit here. Have you had a chance to try Mont Bleu crystal nail file yet? You seem actively interested in these. Im interested to hear what you think of it if you have by this point. Quality price longevity etc…??? Thank you in advance
No, but I would like to.
I haven’t but I hear so many amazing reviews of them! I really want to try out the brand!
unfortunately, I haven’t tried these yet
I hope I win these so I can try them! :)
No, not yet!
[…] Cosmetics Sanctuary – set of 3 Mont Bleu crystal […]
Ni I haven’t tried Mont Bleu Glass Files yet.
No, I haven’t tried Mont Bleu Glass files before. I really want to! My nails break a lot.
I have a Revlon glass nail file but not a Mont Bleu!
I’ve never tried these before.
No but would love to.
Thank you for the giveaway!
No, I haven’t try!
No, I’ve never tried Mont Bleu Glass Files before, but I would really like to do!
greets, Petra Sch.
Didn’t have chance to try
I have never tried a crystal nail file but I would love to.
Haven’t tried Mont Bleu before, but I do use glass files and find them great for my nails.
Haven’t tried these beautiful files yet
Haven’t tried these beautiful files yet
I have not tried this brand of glass files before. My daughter and sister have some glass files and love them.
Never used Mont Bleu but it would be interesting to try!
I have not tried these yet, but sure would like to.
posting again for the entry! I would love to try these, but I have not yet!
I never tried the Mont Bleu Glass Files before.
I never try it before
I have not, but I see so many fabulous reviews!!
They are so pretty. I have heard great things about these and would love to try them.
I have not, but I would love to
I have not tried Mont Bleu Glass Files before
I have not tried Mont Bleu Glass Files before.
I have never tried them before they look awesome
No I haven’t tried these files
Haven’t tried these
I’ve not tried these files before.
Thanks for the chance!
I’ve not tried these files before.
Thanks for the giveaway!
I haven’t tried any glass files before but want to.
no I have not tried this brand before
Not tried these
i have not but i have heard of it. i would love to give it a try!
I have not tried glass files. I would love to try these. Thanks!
I have never heard of this brand before. Such a neat concept! They are so pretty & seems that they would work so well. I can’t wait to try.
I have not tried them, but I want to!
I’ve never even heard of them.
Haven’t tried these yet
No I haven’t
I have not tried them before.
No, sorry to say, I’ve never tried Mont Bleu glass files.
Haven’t tried these yet but the whole family wants to try these.
I have not tried Mont Bleu Glass Files before, or any kind of glass files.
Last chance! I would love to try these!
These are so pretty and I would love to try them.
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