Press Sample of the Makers Dozen
October 2019 | Horror Films
This post was destined to just be late. I lost all 12 of the 13 sets of photos in the great SD card death, then planned on working on it today before I went into work, but Wiggles passed away this morning. It’s been a rough few days, but this morning was the worst. Lily is glued to Jacob’s side. She’s never been a solo cat, so she’s really confused about things right now. It will get easier, but man… I’m just foggy and a little lost right now. I’m immersing myself in work and cat cuddles and Jacob gives big bear hugs, but it hurts.
This post is overdue though, and shops release tomorrow, so let’s take a look at all 13 shades in Makers Dozen October 2019 Horror Films collaboration.

This month we have all 13 colors as usual, but now that Fall is here, we’re seeing more subdued colors. Within the 13 we have glitters, shimmers, thermals and even a glow in the dark!
Since this is all still new, we’ll go over what the Makers Dozen is about and how it works:
Makers Dozen has 12 set makers each month. Those makers are:
Jior Couture, Sassy Pants Polish, Zombie Claw Polish, PI Colors, Copacetic Cosmetics, Baby Girl Lacquer, LynB Designs, Leesha’s Lacquers, NeVerMind Polish, Alter Ego Nail Enamel, Ms. Sparkle, and Inspurrrations.
The 13th maker each month will be a guest maker. The October guest maker is Pin-Up Paint, which is a new-to-me brand!
Each month will have a new theme, October is Horror Films. Each maker is given a color to work with, and each month the color for each maker rotates. So if a maker does purple for July, they won’t do purple as their main color scheme again for 13 months as it rotates through. While each maker is given a color, they have creative freedom on how to use and incorporate that color. It can be within any shade range of that particular color or a prominent element within the polish.
If you noticed I called this a collaboration and not a shop. There is no set “shop” for this. Each polish is available in each individual maker’s store. Only 40 bottles of each polish will be made and they will be available in each store for the ENTIRE month (unless their 40 bottles sell out.) They will continue to be available after the month is over if there are leftovers.
As of right now Delanie of Swatch The Box and I are the “official” swatchers for this box so you have a set blog and a set live view for posts, but each maker had the ability to send to their own swatchers as well. To see more swatches, you can join the Makers Dozen Facebook Group.
Now we’ll get into my photos for the Makers Dozen October Collaboration. Links to each shop will be below each individual description, as well as links to their fan groups and social media.
Let’s take a closer look and get you all ready for shopping
Jior Couture | The Horror (Thermal)

Color: Pink
The Horror is a candy pink (warm) to blackened rose (cold) cold reactive thermal with pink to red shimmer. Perfect for the chillier months ahead, so instead of heat changing it, cold temps change it. I used 3 thin coats and a glossy top coat for these photos.
Price: $11.00 | Shop | Instagram | Facebook Fan Page

Sassy Pants Polish | Screams In The Night

Color: Black
Screams In THe Night is a black jelly based scattered holographic with red holographic flakes mixed in. I used 3 thin coats and a glossy top coat for these photos.
Price: $11.00 | Shop | Instagram | Facebook Fan Page

Zombie Claw Polish | Trick Or Treat

Color: Orange
Trick Or Treat is a sheer bright orange jelly base loaded with shifting pink-gold-green flakes and copper-blue-green micro flakes. I used 3 thin coats and a glossy top coat for these photos.
Price: $11.00 | Shop | Instagram | Facebook Fan Page

PI Colors | Golden King.001

Color: Brown
Golden King.001 is a pale brown crelly base loaded with gold, brown, and green flakes, holographic gold glitter, gold shimmer and blue to green aurora shimmer. I used 3 thin coats and a glossy top coat for these photos.
Price: $ 11.00 | Shop | Instagram | Facebook Fan Page

Copacetic Cosmetics | Darkness Falls

Color: Grey
Darkness Falls is a mix of metallic greys and greens enchanted with mysterious grey and gold shifting aurora. I used 3 thin coats and a glossy top coat for these photos.
Price: $10.00 | Shop | Instagram | Facebook Page

Baby Girl Lacquer | Here’s Johnny!

Color: White
Here’s Johnny! is a white crelly base with tango-red, indigo, gun metal and red to bronze to copper ultrachrome chameleon flakes mixed in. I used 3 thin coats and a glossy top coat for these photos.
Price: $10.00 | Shop | Instagram | Facebook Fan Page

LynBDesigns | Photo-Sympathize (Thermal)

Color: Green
Photo-Sympathize is a forest green (cold) to light green (hot) thermal with holo flakes and pink to orange to gold shifting flakes. I used 3 thin coats and a glossy top coat for these photos.
Price: $10.00 | Shop | Instagram | Facebook Fan Page

Leesha’s Lacquers | Crooked

Color: Magenta
Crooked is a magenta shimmer with gold glitters and flakes mixed in. I used 3 thin coats and a glossy top coat for these photos.
Price: $11.00 | Shop | Instagram | Facebook Fan Page

NeVerMind Polish | I Put A Spell On You

Color: Clear
I Put A Spell On You is a clear base with red, purple and green flakes mixed in with red, purple and green microglitters. I used 1 coat over Cuticula Blush base, and a glossy top coat for these photos.
Price: $10.00 | Shop | Instagram | Facebook Fan Page

Alter Ego Nail Enamel | Worst Prom Ever

Color: Red
Worst Prom Ever is a tomato red base with light pink metallic microglitters mixed in. I used 3 thin coats and a glossy top coat for these photos.
Price: $10.00 | Shop | Instagram | Facebook Fan Page

Ms. Sparkle | The Evil Dead

Color: Purple
The Evil Dead is a warm purple creme with scattered holographic and small black shreds. I used 3 thin coats and a glossy top coat for these photos.
Price: $9.00 for Mini & $11.00 for Full Size | Shop | Instagram | Facebook Fan Page

Inspurrrations | Psalm 30:3 (Glow In The Dark)

Color: Yellow
Psalm 30:3 is a sheer, pale yellow base with shimmer, white matte skull glitters, black shreds, and pearl white micro glitters. I used 3 thin coats and a glossy top coat for these photos.
Can also be used as a topper to add glow in the dark effects to other polishes.
Price: $ 7.00 | Shop | Instagram | Facebook Page

Pin-Up Paint | Cyanosis

Color: Blue
Cyanosis is a dusty blue crelly base with fine silver shimmer. I used 3 thin coats and a glossy top coat for these photos.
Price: $8.00 | Shop | Instagram | Facebook

Makers Dozen October 2019 | Horror Films

Now that this collaboration has a few months under it’s belt, I’m enjoying seeing the different shades each maker does. There’s a nice mix going, and since the colors rotate – we’re not seeing anyone stick to certain color families which we see a lot in their shops and such. Some makers stick to more purple or blue type families. In some cases with brands I’ve worked with a few times, we’re seeing a wider range from them, and I’m loving it.
Each individual price is shown within each listing as well as the shop link to grab that polish from. You have the whole month to shop, but there are only 40 bottles of each shade. Once 40 bottles sell, that’s it. If you missed a color from a previous Makers Dozen month, you can browse my posts ( I have all of them!) and see if any are left to pick up.
Make sure you join the Makers Dozen Facebook group for more swatches, Delanie’s announcement for her live video and more! Make sure to follow Makers Dozen on Instagram as well.

Sorry for your loss. Everything feels “off” with the loss of a pet. Thanks for making and taking the time to do your posts.
Thanks, Lisa for everything that you do for us.
I feel your pain over the loss of your fur baby. We lost our fur baby Zoe on 3.30.19. It felt even worse because she was my late big sister’s baby (lost my big sis 2.6.11 to ovarian cancer). It seemed to have refreshed the feeling of loss all over again.
-NeNe #BabyGirlLacquer
Bear hugs and butterfly kisses, please let your loving memories comfort you <3 Many thanks for your thorough reviews, all your manis and photos are delightful!
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