KBShimmer Polish Con Exclusives

by Lisa Heath

Press Samples of KBShimmer
Polish Con Exclusives

Still playing a bit of catch up and I actually have a LOT of posting to do! Right now I have the KBShimmer Polish Con Exclusives to share with you!


These 3 shades were created with discontinued ingredients, so they will be incredibly limited exclusives for Polish Con. If there happen to be leftovers, they will be available in the Color4Nails shop after the event, so keep your fingers crossed. They are really lovely, so I do hope plenty of you can get your hands on them!

Let’s jump into the 3 polishes and see what’s in store for those attending Polish Con!

KBShimmer Polish Con Exclusive – Let’s Slang


Let’s Slang will have the most photos in this post because it was hard to capture everything. If you can only walk away with ONE polish – this is the one you want.

Let’s Slang is a deep midnight blue jelly base with shifting shimmer. The shimmer mainly looks coppery red, but at different angles you see shifts of green and gold as well. I captured it in some of my photos!

I used 3 coats and a glossy top coat for these photos.




See the shift?!


Woo shifty!




KBShimmer Polish Con Exclusive – Alcohol You Later


Alcohol You Later is a softer coppery brown linear holographic with violet pink shimmer that gives a nice flash to the polish. I used 2 coats and a glossy top coat for these photos.





KBShimmer Polish Con Exclusive – Ready For This Jelly


Last up we have Ready For This Jelly! This is a medium purple jelly base packed with rainbow iridescent flakes. In some lighting the base almost looks more blurple. I used 3 thin coats and a glossy top coat for these photos.

Because of the amount of flakes in this polish, application might be tricky if you pick too much up on your brush. I had no issues, but if it looked like I grabbed too many flakes, I brushed some off in the bottle first.






All 3 are incredibly lovely, and I hope there are enough to go around!

These are mainly exclusive to Polish Con, but as I said, IF there are any leftovers, they will be available in the Color4Nails shop after the event.

If you happen to be going to Polish Con, KBShimmer will also have a full display of her current polish offerings as well as bath and body goodies to purchase. So you will have the opportunity to shop more than just the exclusives, and if there are any colors you were on the fence about, you can see them in person and pick some new ones up!

KBShimmer Social Media: Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Pinterest

Make sure to check out the links above for Polish Con news as well as more swatches of these shades!

To all of you attending Polish Con – I hope you have a wonderful time! I’m incredibly jealous!

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Phyrra September 14, 2016 - 2:00 pm

I love them all, but especially Ready For This Jelly!

Julie September 14, 2016 - 4:04 pm

I adore the names of KB Shimmer polishes, they are always so creative. Let’s Slang certainly is a stunner!

Never Say Die Beauty September 14, 2016 - 4:51 pm

Oh, Ready for this Jelly is fabulous, but I like Let’s Slang too!

Lola Seicento September 14, 2016 - 4:59 pm

What an unbelievably gorgeous collection!

MarciaF September 14, 2016 - 6:37 pm

I need Let’s Slang in my life. I think it’s so different. Polish Con sounds like it will be an amazing event.

Babi September 14, 2016 - 9:14 pm

I love all 3 buy Ready for this Jelly is my fave!

Kathryne September 14, 2016 - 9:17 pm

The darker shades appeal to me the most

Erika September 14, 2016 - 10:08 pm

Let’s slang. Amazing!! I need that one.

Honeygirlk September 15, 2016 - 10:38 am

These are gorgeous! I originally wanted Let’s Slang but the 2nd one, Alcohol you later is my jam. Love it.

Painted Fingertips October 1, 2016 - 7:33 pm

Oh, wow – Let’s Slang is beautiful!

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