Press Sample of the Glisten & Glow
It’s Spring, Do Your Thing Collection
One more post tonight – then I’m off to bed. Next up we’re going to look at the Glisten & Glow It’s Spring, Do Your Thing Collection! This released a few days ago – so they are available to grab whenever!

In this post we’re looking at the It’s Spring, Do Your Thing quad, March and April Mystery shades and the Glisten & Glow 10 Year Anniversary Commemorative Polish!
The Spring shades all stamp and watermarble. I haven’t had a chance to try it out myself, but I’ve seen some other swatcher’s shots and they look amazing. Maker sure you check out the Glisten & Glow Facebook Group to take a look.
Side note – I had mentioned to Jacob that if he ever wanted to know what it’s like to shave his head completely – now would be the time to do it since we’re not going anywhere for a bit. I got partway through and the clippers ran out of juice, so we had to break to recharge. He just has a creepy uncle haircut going on right now, and I can’t stop laughing.
His hair grows insanely fast though, so he’ll have his luscious locks back in no time (seriously, his hair is usually longer, and he gets stopped in stores by women telling him they would kill for hair like his)
Anyways – so while I wait for the clippers to recharge, I’m typing a post!
Let’s get going and take a look – we’ll start with the Spring collection and then move into the mystery polishes and the commemorative polish. I will be showing all of these both glossy and matte – and I’ll be using both of Glisten & Glow’s top coats for these – which you can buy in a set during Polish Pickup this month – or just pop them in your basket when you buy any of these directly from the Glisten and Glow website.
Glisten & Glow | Roller Skating & River Rafting

Roller Skating & River Rafting is a softer sunny yellow creme. This isn’t quite pastel, but not as bright as a typical yellow. I generally can’t do yellows without looking lobster red on my skin – but this actually played nicely. I used 2 coats and a glossy top coat for these photos, followed by matte top coat.

Glisten & Glow | Hiking & Hopscotch

Hiking & Hopscotch is a light-medium, cool toned bubblegum pink. I used 2 coats and a glossy top coat for these photos, followed by matte top coat.

Glisten & Glow | Picnics & Playgrounds

I don’t pick greens as a top pick usually – but this is my favorite of this release. Picnics & Playgrounds is a light-medium limish green. It’s not full on bright lime, but it does have that type of tone. I used 2 coats and a glossy top coat for these photos, followed by matte top coat.
Where the light hits, there’s a slight glowing cast – and it’s from my lights. This is the only color it really did this on and it almost makes it look like there’s a hidden shimmer, but there isn’t – it’s a straight creme.

Glisten & Glow | Bike Riding & Bird Watching

Bike Riding & Bird Watching is a soft but bright peach creme. It almost reminds me of those ‘bleached neons’ but it’s not quite light enough to really be one. I used 3 thin coats and a glossy top coat for these photos, followed by matte top coat.

Glisten & Glow | March 2020 Mystery

March 2020 Mystery is a super pale grey crelly base loaded with various glitters in neon orange, dark orange, lime green, lavender and emerald green. I used 2 coats and a glossy top coat for these photos, followed by matte top coat.
This has a high glitter content, so I recommend getting a lot on your brush, and painting without a lot of pressure. If your coat is too thin, you might drag the glitter or not grab enough base to properly float the glitter. It might take a second to find your perfect method – but it’s worth it. Will dry with some texture, so you may need 2 coats of top coat to smooth.

Glisten & Glow | April 2020 Mystery

April 2020 Mystery is a light concrete grey crelly base with a ton of glitters in neon blue, bright yellow, pale yellow, pale blue, white and lavender. I used 2 coats and a glossy top coat for these photos, followed by matte top coat.
Again – lots of glitter, be careful when applying and thicker coats are better. Dries with some texture – so you may need 2 coats and top coat for a smooth finish.

Glisten & Glow | 10 Year Anniversary Commemorative Polish

Last up we have the Glisten & Glow 10 Year Anniversary Commemorative Polish! This is a medium lavender crelly base with neon pink, neon yellow and white glitters in various shapes and sizes. I used 2 coats and a glossy top coat for these photos, followed by matte top coat.
This doesn’t have the insane glitter load as the Mystery shades do – so you can do thick or thin coats to apply this one. May have some texture – but I only needed 1 coat of top coat to smooth.

Glisten & Glow | It’s Spring Do Your Thing Collection

All of these released late last week, so you can grab them whenever you get a second. I had no application issues to mention, however the 2 Mystery shades are glitter heavy – so just be mindful when applying as I mentioned in their description.
I’m actually really loving all of these matte. I think I’m on a matte kick lately.
Price: $8.50 – $9.75 Each | Full Spring Collection (cremes): $32.00
Where To Buy: Glisten & Glow Website
Glisten & Glow Social Media: Facebook | Instagram | Twitter
Hope you enjoyed! Have a wonderful night.

1 comment
OMG these look fab – gotta say both glossy and matte :-D
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